Monday, April 23, 2007

I Love a Good Mystery

In trying to decide on a post today, I toyed for quite some time with discussing three articles I read in the Washington Post and Time magazine that were on some fairly depressing topics. Before I could get around to that, thankfully, I saw this article about today being William Shakespeare's birthday. Or is it? It's not very newsworthy, but then again I love these little historical mysteries.

Is tomorrow Shakespeare's birthday?

Tomorrow could be the day to blow out the 443 candles on William Shakespeare's birthday cake - not St George's Day on Monday, which has been celebrated for centuries as both the birth and death date of England's greatest playwright.,,2062290,00.html


trace said...

hi matt:

I have a new blog address:

Helen said...

Hi! We went on a boating holiday here in England to Stratford upon Avon the birthplace of William Shakespeare, it is such a beautiful place - very English with oak beamed houses and lots of Tea shops!

We went to the Royal Shakespeare theatre and watched 'The taming of the shrew'it was a bit long though! but had to be done as we were in His birthplace!

Have a good week and I'm with you on the 'one day blog silence ' for those that died at Virginia Tech,

God Bless,