Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Music Recommendation of the Day

After a break of several days, consisting in large part of a guys' weekend in Florida, I'm back and trying to catch up with everything (including posting here and reading the many other blogs I keep up with).....

While driving in to work this morning, I was listening to some music from one of my favorite jazz vocalists, Susannah McCorkle -- a marvelous singer who, tragically, took her own life in 2001. (I'll interject here that I would highly recommend just about all of her albums, with the best track on any of them being her version of Antonio Carlos Jobims' "The Waters of March.") I first heard her music entirely by accident several years ago -- rather than flying from Atlanta to Mobile on one of my trips, I opted instead to rent a car, and just happened to hear her while flipping channels and catching the Auburn University radio station -- and was immediately captivated. Hers is one of those amazing voices you only hear on those rare occasions in your life -- intimate, soulful, emotional, heartfelt. And the lyrics tug at your heart and make you think -- the lyrics from "The People That You Never Get to Love" being a perfect example of making you think, not necessarily with regret, about how different your life would have been if you hadn't passed up on those opportunities to talk to someone standing right in front of you.

She put her life into those songs -- a life that ended far too soon.

1 comment:

karen said...

This is sad. What a wonderful voice. I love music, too.